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The most complete... since 2011

The reference software for the forensic acquisition of internet/intranet web pages.

Secure storage

Avoid the cloud! Files are only stored on your computer and can be revisited offline at any time.

FAW is a polyglot!

Faw is available in many languages and tested by the world’s leading forensic communities

Timestamp with ntp and local time servers

Each capture includes timestamp with ntp and local time servers.

Best price/acquisition ratio.

The product with the best price/acquisition ratio. Whether you buy the 24 version or the annual version, make as many acquisitions as you like. FAW optionally saves acquisition hashings free of charge on its server. 

Speed up your work with automatic features

Suitable for technical consultants and professionals who need automated captures and advanced features to speed up the work. Hundreds of acquisitions with one click.

Video and network recording for the entire session

The entire capture session is recorded via video screencast. Network traffic and related certificates are stored within the capture directory.

The most used by Lawyers, Technicians, Law Enforcement Agencies

Recognized by forensic communities around the world as an invaluable tool for crystallizing web pages. Used by most of the world’s law enforcement agencies and recognized as a standard.

Worldwide support

Backed by an extensive worldwide reseller network offering technical support to users. On all continents and in almost all countries.

At the service of law enforcement

Chosen by most law enforcement agencies in the world with the LE version designed to store data on proxy servers

ISO/IEC 27037:2012 Compliant

Sources, Metadata, Hashing, Video, Network and much more… FAW is designed for legal purposes. Acquisitions with FAW are unassailable. 

Key and mouse logger ... but it also logs and certifies downloads

FAW also records all system events and downloads of documents you make while browsing.

Timestamps and electronic storage

The product integrates with one of the most important global authorities, Namirial Spa, to add the services of time stamps and electronic storage

Social, Email, Wayback Machine, Marketplaces, Google Maps, Downloadable files...

FAW captures everything: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, Google Maps, Full websites, Wayback Machine, Marketplaces (Amazon, Airbnb, etc.), YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook & Instagram videos, proprietary players, downloadable files (Excel, Word, PDF, etc.), Online images, audio & video files and much more…

Easy-to-use DIY software

Get our award-winning software to make your captures on any website or on your intranet. It works just like a web browser.

Capture sections of web pages? Unique mode!

The basic concept, for the graphic acquisition of a web page with Gold Box, is that everything that is inside the Gold Box is acquired.

Capture dynamic pages with variable heights

During the acquisition you can see in the status bar below all the operations performed by the program. 

The Browser scroll bar will be scrolled down until the end of the page is reached or until the maximum height set in the Configuration panel is reached.

Capture dynamic pages with variable heights

During the acquisition you can see in the status bar below all the operations performed by the program. 

The Browser scroll bar will be scrolled down until the end of the page is reached or until the maximum height set in the Configuration panel is reached.

Tor network? No problem

Acquires web pages on the Darkweb through the TOR network.

No setup needed! It works just like a web browser accessing the dark web.

Capture any multimedia content

With the Stop module, it starts the capture of web pages and ends them manually, allowing the operator to capture the behaviour of pages and multimedia content (audio/video) as a whole.

Capture any multimedia content

With the Stop module, it starts the capture of web pages and ends them manually, allowing the operator to capture the behaviour of pages and multimedia content (audio/video) as a whole.

Scheduled acquisitions? Ready to go!

It allows you to schedule the acquisition of a web page, so you can capture its content at different times of the day.

Don’t know all the URLs? Want to search for content by text or type? Use the crawler!

It is a real crawler that searches all the web pages linked to the main page, extracting the URL and the height to create an index from which it can be subsequently acquired automatically. It also allows you to search websites with login-protected areas, such as social networks.

Robust search -> Easily search for terms within regularly expressed online sites.

Don’t know all the URLs? Want to search for content by text or type? Use the crawler!


It is a real crawler that searches all the web pages linked to the main page, extracting the URL and the height to create an index from which it can be subsequently acquired automatically. It also allows you to search websites with login-protected areas, such as social networks.

Robust search -> Easily search for terms within regularly expressed online sites.

Multiple link acquisitions with one click? Nothing could be easier

FAW in multi-page version, allows the automatic capture of a list of web pages. Perfect for capturing entire websites quickly and automatically. 

The only system for truly forensic acquisitions via FTP

This tool allows you to capture entire websites in FTP and SFTP mode without changing metadata of copied files.

The only system for truly forensic acquisitions via FTP

This tool allows you to capture entire websites in FTP and SFTP mode without changing metadata of copied files.

Complete word and pdf reports!

Faw creates a detailed report of all activities performed with the faw suite; it automatically imports all capture references.

Our outputs accurately capture what you see online: no missing content or incorrect formatting. Complete with technical and legal information for a perfect technical report.

Automated acquisition of Facebook profiles

The Faw Facebook tool allows you to capture the entire profile of a Facebook user easily and quickly.

    • Easily configure what you want to capture (POSTS, PHOTOS, FRIENDS, MESSAGES etc.)
    • Save time with the automatic expansion of comments on facebook!
    • With one click, scroll down to the bottom of the page and open all comments and replies.

Automated acquisition of Facebook profiles

The Faw Facebook tool allows you to capture the entire profile of a Facebook user easily and quickly.

  • Easily configure what you want to capture (POSTS, PHOTOS, FRIENDS, MESSAGES etc.)
  • Save time with the automatic expansion of comments on facebook!
  • With one click, scroll down to the bottom of the page and open all comments and replies.

    Capture YouTube videos

    Capture web pages on YouTube and download YouTube videos.

    WhatsApp? Scroll and certify

    The WhatsApp module automates the automatic scrolling of the entire WhatsApp chat and performs its acquisition.

      WhatsApp? Scroll and certify

      The WhatsApp module automates the automatic scrolling of the entire WhatsApp chat and performs its acquisition.

        Acquire torrents with one click

        Capture material via the most popular peer-to-peer protocol with both urls and files.