With version 8.9 of FAW important features have been added that allow you to retrieve a lot of information about objects linked to the web page, such as images, scripts, css, PDF documents, etc.
The new acquisition method, which is based on the parsing of the headers of the linked objects, allows, for example, to retrieve the date on which this object was loaded on the web server (last-modified), the type of the object (content- type), content-encoding and much more.
This information can be useful for example to determine the history of uploading images in a photogallery, or to check if the date of a PDF document conforms to the date it was uploaded to the web server.
All this information is contained in the Acquisition.txt and Acquisition.xml files under the name of the downloaded file.
From this new version of FAW, during the acquisition of the web page, all the objects linked to it are automatically saved. It is therefore no longer necessary to select which objects to acquire from the configuration panel.
With version 8.9 of FAW the REPORT tool has also been improved, with this new version a new template has been introduced, the generation of an encrypted archive file of all the relevant acquisitions and new features for generating the report.
The new template is present in the “template” folder in the program installation folder, it is a common Word document and as such can be customized by the user as he prefers by inserting logos, images and texts. The template is multilingual, so there will be multiple files, each of which has the language identifier in its name. The language template is automatically selected based on the language in which the program is used.
The creation of the report also involves the creation of an archive file that contains all the relevant acquisitions. The hashes of this file will then be automatically inserted in the generated report. The archive file can be protected with a password and then effectively encrypted.
Report generation can be done in two ways: simple or detailed. The simple mode foresees to insert in the report only the hash codes of the archive file of the acquisitions, while the detailed mode automatically inserts the contents of the Acquisition.txt files and optionally it is possible to choose, from the convenient graphic interface, the other elements to be included, namely: the screenshots, the HTML of the page, the contents of the Checking.faw control file, and the contents of the XML file.