At the first start of FAW it is advisable to set the preferences by going to the Configuration> Preferences menu from which all the program options can be set.


Tab Configuration > Preference > General

In this section you can configure:

  • the NTP server that FAW must use to have the certified date and time
  • the program language
  • the ability to disable hardware acceleration of the video card
  • support for WebGL graphics acceleration

By default FAW already proposes an NTP server, but you can use the NTP server you prefer, better if indicated with its IP address instead of the domain name.

From here it is possible to change the language of FAW. To see the new language selected, it is necessary to close and restart the program.

The option “Disable automatic offScreen rendering and GPU” if checked disables the hardware acceleration of the video card. This option should only be enabled in case of web page rendering problems.

The WebGL graphics acceleration option allows you to capture all those websites that use this technology, such as Google Earth.


Tab Configuration > Preference > Acquisition (2 tab)

In the first section you can configure:

  • the folder (Capture Forder) in which FAW must save the acquisitions;
  • the “Gold Box with date” option;
  • the “Return to homepage after acquisition” option;
  • the “Acquisition of frame’s code” option;
  • the “WhatsApp Automatic Reverse Scroll” option;

In the Capture Folder field it is possible to choose in which FAW folder the acquisitions are to be saved. By default it creates a folder named FAW in the user’s Documents folder.

The “Gold Box with date” option enables the printing of date and time on the Gold Box.

The “Return to homepage after acquisition” option, if active, returns FAW navigation to the home page after completing the acquisition of the web page.

The “Acquisition of frame’s code” option activates the acquisition of all the frames that make up the web page.

The “WhatsApp Automatic Reverse Scroll” option is used only with the WhatsApp module, and is used to activate the automatic scrolling of the chat upwards (for more information see the section of the FAW WhatsApp Tool).

In the second section you can configure:

  • the home page that must open when FAW is started (Home Page)
  • the default height of the Gold Box
  • a Referral URL
  • the option to upload the scans to the FAW Server
  • the option to acquire network traffic (sniffing)
  • the “Scroll mode” option and its parameters

In the “Home Page” field you can enter the initial page that must appear when FAW opens.

The “Default browser height” field sets the height in pixels of the FAW Gold Box; by default it is 0, that is, it uses the height of the computer screen.

The “Referral URL string” field allows you to indicate a referral with which you want to reach the web page to be acquired.

The “Upload acquisition on FAW server” option allows you to send a copy of the acquisition on a remote server kept for 3 years, from which you can at any time verify the correspondence with the acquisition stored locally.
NOTE: Only the Acquisition.txt, Acquisition.xml and Checking.faw files are uploaded to the server.

The “Active sniffing network traffic” option activates the recording of all network traffic that is generated during the web page acquisition phase.

The “Page scroll mode” section if enabled by activating the option “Enable scrolling with scrollbar browser” deactivates the Gold Box mode and activates the acquisition by scrolling the vertical bar of the browser. The limit of this scroll must be set in the “Maximum scroll heght” field. During the page acquisition the software will end the acquisition when the browser height has reached this value.

The “Top Crop” and “Bottom Crop” fields can be set to crop the top and / or bottom of each screenshot to ensure that fixed elements (such as menus or footers) are not repeated on the page.


Tab Configuration > Preference > Linked Object

In this section you can configure which objects, contained in the web page, FAW must acquire.

You can choose preset object categories: images, archive files, documents, audio files, video files, executable files and script files.

It is also possible to configure the acquisition of files with customized extensions.

FAW allows to acquire the objects contained in the web page allows 4 different download modes selectable by the user:

  • WebClient: classic download mode used by any type of browser.
  • Fetch: allows the resource to be downloaded even if the server response is in an http error state.
  • XmlHttpRequest: executes a request for content in xml format from the web server. The object will contain useful information such as the body of the response and the HTTP status of the result.
  • Media Streaming: mode for acquiring multimedia content that can only be used in streaming on demand.


Tab Configuration > Preference > Activity

In this section you can configure:

  • the acquisition of the screencast generated during the acquisition of the web page;
  • the generation of a WORD and PDF report of the acquisition.

The acquisition of the screencast can be done in two ways: GDI or DirectShow. GDI mode is supported by most computers, even with limited graphics cards; the GDI screencast only records the video stream; no audio is recorded.

The DirectShow mode allows the acquisition of the video and audio stream; in this case it is necessary to have a dedicated video card with DirectShow support and it is necessary to choose, from the appropriate drop-down menus, which device to use for recording the video and audio stream. To simplify this FAW function during installation, install the Screen Capture Recorder package that allows you to easily identify the devices for the screencast. It is therefore advisable to set as video device: “screen-capture-recorder”, while as audio device: “virtual-audio-capturer”.


Tab Configuration > Preference > File Host

In this section you can see the contents of the Windows hosts file; the latter can be edited and inserted domain redirects> IP address to navigate on websites not reachable with public DNS.

It can also be verified that there are no intentional redirects in the host file to display one website instead of another.


Tab Configuration > Preference > User Agent

In this section you can configure which User Agent the FAW software should use to open the web pages.

By default, the “User Agent String” field is empty, in this case FAW will use the browser user agent set by default on the user’s computer.

To change User Agent, simply enter the User Agent string you want to use in the “User Agent String” field.


Tab Configuration > Preference > Scripts

In this section you can configure:

  • which FAW script must inject into the web page during acquisition;
  • activate the automatic script injection option.

The script to be used can be selected from the drop-down menu; the scripts must be previously inserted in the “Scripts” folder located in the FAW installation folder.

Checking the “Active Automatic Injection Script” option allows the script to be injected before the start of the acquisition; or, if “Page scroll mode” is active, it is injected at each scroll of the page. If this option is not enabled the script can be injected manually by going to the Tools> Run Script menu.


Tab Configuration > Preference > Email

In this section you can configure the automatic sending of an e-mail at the end of the acquisition.

The available options are:

  • “Do not send email” – deactivate the sending of the e-mail;
  • “Send email with email client” – sends the email at the end of the acquisition using your default email client;
  • “Send email with FAW” – the program directly sends an e-mail at the end of the acquisition, in this case it is necessary to enter the data of your e-mail account and the address of the recipient.

If the e-mail is to be sent to a certified PEC e-mail address, it is necessary to send it via your e-mail client on which the PEC account is configured.


Tab Configuration > Preference > Certificazione

In this section you can configure:

  • the use of time stamps for acquisitions
  • the use of substitute storage for acquisitions

The timestamp and substitute conservation services are provided by Nanirial, therefore it is necessary to sign a contract directly with them.

Once the contract with Namirial has been signed, you will be provided with credentials to be able to use these two services.

If the timestamp service is active at the end of each FAW acquisition, a timestamp will be placed on the PDF file containing the main data of the acquisition. The digitally marked file will be present in the FAW acquisition folder.

If the replacement preservation service is active at the end of each acquisition the PDF file of the acquisition will be sent to the replacement preservation server. If you do not want to keep the PDF of the acquisition (because it contains survey data that must remain confidential) it is possible to send only a hash code of the acquisition itself, simply by selecting the “Send Hash only” option.