FAW FTP is a tool that allows you to download an entire website via FTP protocol without altering the date and time of the files, as they are on the web server.

To perform the acquisition, simply fill in all the fields to authenticate on the web server with the FTP protocol: “Host”, “Port”, “Username”, “Password”, “Remote folder” and “Date Time format”.

The last parameter “Date Time format” specifies the date and time format used on the server. Leaving this field blank FAW FTP automatically determines the correct format. In rare cases it is possible that automatic recognition is not possible, in this case you can manually indicate how the date and time is structured on the web server using this syntax:

d = day with one or two digits

dd = day with always two digits

M = month with one or two digits

MM = month with two digits

yy = year with two digits

yyyy = year with four digits

HH = hours with two digits

mm = minutes with two digits

ss = seconds with two digits

tt = use AM / PM

the separator used for the date and the separator used for the hours must also be indicated.

An example of a Date Time in European format is:

dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss


In this case, the date separator is the slash “/”, while for the hour it is the colon “:”, the date is separated from the time by a space.

To understand the format of the date and time used on the server from which you want to perform the acquisition, simply connect with an FTP client and observe the date and time format and then indicate it in FAW FTP.

Once all the fields have been completed, simply click on the [Acquire] button to start acquiring all the files contained in the remote folder of the web server.

The operations performed by the software will be shown in the “Acquisition status” box.